The world's best diving, chosen by you! From the Caribbean and Atlantic to North America to the Pacific and Indian Oceans, here are the top-rated dive sites.
Always wanted to explore a wreck, but not sure where to start? We've got tips on wreck diving from a pro that will have you down there (safely) in no time.
The wrecks off Morehead City, North Carolina, are magnets for divers and sharks alike. Read why this shark encounter should be your next adventurous dive!
Looking for a great children's book? Eric Douglas — author of Lessons for Life — just released his latest story for kids: "Sea Turtle Rescue and Other Stories!"
Looking for your next wreck diving adventure? Look beyond the famous dive sites: Many headliner shipwrecks have a nearby opening act you should get to know.
Learn more about technical and recreational diving at some of the most pristine locations in the country, and immerse yourself in the beauty of your national marine sanctuaries. Sanctuary waters are filled with unique ecosystems waiting to be explored, harboring a spectacular array of plants, animals and historical artifacts. NOAA provides a wealth of information related to diving and permits required to dive these national treasures.
Recently, viewers captured video off the coast of North Carolina of a rare site, a shark feeding frenzy! The video went viral just weeks ago and has been played all over broadcast news.
From California's kelp forests and the walls of the Northwest to Florida's clear springs, the Midwest's shipwreck graveyards and Texas' Flower Gardens, we give you the best of our home region.