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Jay Clue

Jay Clue is an award-winning photographer, educator, and conservationist who uses captivating photography and passionate storytelling to inspire people around the world to take action and protect the natural beauty of our planet.



Ask a Pro Photographer: How to Achieve Awesome Color in Your Underwater Photos

Learn tips from pro photographer Jay Clue on capturing vibrant colors in your underwater photos by using custom white balance, lighting and photo editing software.

Rebreathers 101

Dive professional Jay Clue takes a deep dive into understanding the benefits and potential drawbacks of getting into closed-circuit rebreather diving.

The Best Underwater Cameras for Beginners

Pro photographer Jay Clue cuts through the noise to help you find the best beginner underwater camera based on your photography goals.

How to Look Good in Underwater Photos

Do you ever find yourself on a boat with a photographer and don't know what to do when the camera points towards you? Here's how you can get an amazing shot the next time your diving.

My Introduction to Diving a Rebreather

Introducing a new monthly column following expert Jay Clue’s journey into the world of rebreather diving, sharing the best tips and info he has learned along the way.

Ask a Pro Photographer: How to Capture the Perfect Shot

In the first edition of “Ask a Pro Photographer,”  Jay Clue shares how knowing your subject’s habits and behaviors can lead to stunning photos. Learn how to submit your questions about photography, cinematography and storytelling for Clue to answer.